
From the Manger to the Cross (between Christmas and Easter)

This year there are just three short months between Christmas and Easter.  In FUNday School we will spend our time traveling with Jesus from the manger to the cross.  We will cover major life events from His birth to His death and then His resurrection (e.g. visit of the Magi, dedication at the Temple, His baptism, His first miracle, etc.).  That's a LOT of material to pack into a short amount of time!

People of ALL ages are encouraged to join the young people as together we learn more about the ministry of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels.  We meet every Sunday after the 10 a.m. service in the main sanctuary (about 11:15).  Join in with these enthusiastic kids as we sing songs, study the Bible, pray for each other and have FUN doing it!

The Real 12 Days of Christmas

For many (if not most) Christians, the excitement of Advent season builds to its eventual climax on the morning of December 25, and then it stops, abruptly. Christmas is over, the New Year begins, and people go back to their normal lives.  But, if you read through the history of Christianity, the traditional Christian celebration of Christmas is exactly the opposite.  Too often the focus of believers falls on giving Advent (getting ready for Christmas Day) its due, with the Twelve Days of Christmas relegated to the words of a cryptic traditional carol. Most people are simply too tired after Christmas Day to do much celebrating.  For some Christians, however, December 25, Christmas Day itself ushers in twelve days of celebration, ending on January 6 with the Feast of the Epiphany (or Three Kings Day).  

For more information about the meaning and history behind the twelve days of celebration, follow this link:

The Meaning Behind the 12 Days of Christmas

For more information about Epiphany, go to our January 3rd page (link found to the right).

Christmas - It's Not Just a Day, But a Season!

While some Christians celebrate primarily on Christmas Eve and/or early Christmas morning, others (from more traditional / liturgical church backgrounds) see Christmas as a season to celebrate.  It starts with the anticipation of Christ's birth, then celebrates the actual event itself, followed by remembering the post-Nativity events that explain the Christmas story in its entirety and set the stage for the Gospel stories that follow.

Here at FUNday School, we take this second approach.  We begin the excitement and anticipation of Christ's First Coming starting with Christ the King Sunday (November 21st); we then celebrate Advent which is four-week time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas.  (The term is an anglicized version of the Latin word adventus, meaning "coming.")  We continue the season through the Twelve Days of Christmas (did you think there was just one?) which end with the arrival of the Magi/Wise Men, celebrated on January 6th.

Come join us as we journey through the SEASON of Christmas.  We begin shortly after the end of the 10 a.m. service at Girdwood Chapel (about 11:15).  Young (and not-so-young) people are welcome to attend.  We hope to see you there! 

What is FUNday School?

FUNday School at Girdwood Chapel begins every Sunday morning at the conclusion of the 10 a.m. worship service. This webpage will keep you up-to-date about each week's lesson.  Music videos, teaching videos, each week's Bible memory verse, etc., can be accessed easily.  (There's even a section for parents who want to dig deeper "behind the scenes" of each lesson.)

This website is updated several times a week, so check back often.

This is the place where you can enjoy FUNday School every day of the week!