
Christmas - It's Not Just a Day, But a Season!

While some Christians celebrate primarily on Christmas Eve and/or early Christmas morning, others (from more traditional / liturgical church backgrounds) see Christmas as a season to celebrate.  It starts with the anticipation of Christ's birth, then celebrates the actual event itself, followed by remembering the post-Nativity events that explain the Christmas story in its entirety and set the stage for the Gospel stories that follow.

Here at FUNday School, we take this second approach.  We begin the excitement and anticipation of Christ's First Coming starting with Christ the King Sunday (November 21st); we then celebrate Advent which is four-week time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas.  (The term is an anglicized version of the Latin word adventus, meaning "coming.")  We continue the season through the Twelve Days of Christmas (did you think there was just one?) which end with the arrival of the Magi/Wise Men, celebrated on January 6th.

Come join us as we journey through the SEASON of Christmas.  We begin shortly after the end of the 10 a.m. service at Girdwood Chapel (about 11:15).  Young (and not-so-young) people are welcome to attend.  We hope to see you there!